Tess Salmón

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Name: Tess Salmón UA Affiliation: Staff Job Title/Department: Project Manager/Digital Learning


I love taking photos everywhere I go- it's nearly impossible for me to leave my house without some sort of camera, even if its just my phone. The photos I chose for this collection span across several hikes and walks I've taken over the years where I wasn't on the clock taking photos for work or for a client. I love that each of these photos happened in the spur of the moment- if you could see behind the camera, you'd likely see me shouting "wait, wait, I gotta take a photo real quick!" to whomever was with me as they tapped their toes impatiently (I always promise I'll leave my camera at home this time, but I never can quite commit.) My preferred medium is 35mm film, but the photos here were taken on digital. I've used the Adobe suite to create a look that reminds me of film and my own style- which is often mimicking the colors and textures of film stock. I'm not a nature photographer by trade- but I have a strong connection to nature, along with being an avid hiker, and I'm glad I can share some candid moments here.

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Published: Thursday, January 21, 2021